Happy New Year to my fellow health warriors! I hope you had a joyous holiday and wish you abundance, happiness, peace, and health for the coming year ahead.  I am a firm believer in regularly setting goals throughout the year, but there definitely is something inspiring about the passage of yet another year to get us motivated for change.  If upgrading your health and wellness is something that interests you in the start of 2019, I am rooting for you! Here are some top tips that I share with my clients as an Integrative Health Coach: 

  1. Break up your long-term goal into smaller, manageable goals. This way you don’t get discouraged or overwhelmed. It is all about the micro-wins! For example, if you are currently not working out at all but your goal is to work out everyday for an hour, then start with a goal of a few days a week for 30 min. 

  1. Find an accountability partner.  This could be a friend, family member, co-worker who has a similar goal. You can inspire each other to make changes and stay on track, or even accomplish your goal with them. For instance, working out with a co-worker during lunch regularly. 

  1. Who you hang out with matters in your health.  Jim Roth states “you are a combination of the 5 people you hang out with the most”.  I have found this to be quite true. The people you spend the most time with can influence you, positively or negatively, in all aspects of your life. Even if you can’t change the people you are with for the majority of the day, there are a plethora of free talks, podcasts, and books from inspiring people that you can use to help shape your mind. I usually listen to talks when I drive, and it definitely is a huge influence on how I think. 

Hope these tips help you maintain your goals for 2019. If I can be of service to you in the realm of nutrition, exercise, or stress management, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am currently offering an “Upgrade Your Health” package for nutrition, please see the flyer below. 

Sharmila Acharya, PT, CYT, CNC
(925) 338-9297
For bookings and more information visit: www.thewellnesstransformation.com

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