I agree that “the eyes are a window to the soul”.  I have actually participated in a few workshops where I have had to stare into strangers eyes for a few minutes, without talking.

Wow, it was intense every time!  It actually brought tears to my eyes and gave me a deep sense of connection to the person I was looking at, beyond the outer facade and into who they were.  I saw myself in that person, the sense of sameness between us that often gets dimmed with talking and distractions.

How often do we really look at each other, into people’s eyes? Not in a creepy way but to really see them.  In this day and age, it’s easy to get pulled away by the beep of our phone and all of our running around when we are interacting with people.

One thing this ends up doing is diminishing our sense of empathy, something that is greatly needed in the world. As Henry David Thoreau asked: “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes in an instant”?