“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power”. -Lao Tzu

It is always me vs. myself. Period.

In a way, society has set us up to focus on being better than others. We are taught “may the best man (or woman) win”.  But what does that even mean in regards to life? What do we win exactly? Often we see others as winning but behind the scenes they are struggling. We get lost in comparing ourselves to the image or storyline that others put out to the world, and this may not even be anywhere close to the truth. It just sets us up to feel inferior and inadequate, which then propels us to show off and beat others in this game of life.

So, I have decided not to play this game anymore. It doesn’t mean I don’t get tempted to compare or compete but then I redirect myself back to myself. I am only focusing on analyzing myself and being better than I was yesterday.

My goal is to master MYSELF.